What's in a Name
You may be wondering - why Valerius? Or, you may have accidentally stumbled upon this page. Either way, you shall be enlightened. I was searching for a name for this new entity and put together a long list of really clever options, most of which sounded like names for drinking establishments. No dice. So I looked to history for inspiration. The criteria was simple: find examples of persuasive communication, that happened in the distant past(let's say > 50 years). The first thing that came to mind was Winston Churchill. "Churchill Consulting" sounded really dull and stuffy, and there were likely a hundred or so firms in England with some variation of the name. It's also the name of the high school my kids attend, so they would think that was lame (and embarrassing). Then it struck me -- the Federalist Papers! Yes. It had historical significance, the intent was to persuade, it was US-based (nothing against the Brits), and was obscure enough that I may be able to find a decent domain name. For those of you that have no idea what the Federalist Papers are, I've provided a handy link and I will refrain from making any snarky remarks about the state of the education system in the US. So, the authors of said papers (Madison, Hamilton and Jay), published under the pseudonym "Publius". This was apparently in honor of the Roman Consul, Publius Valerius Publicola. A fine fellow indeed. Lover of liberty, overthrower of monarchs and influential leader during the relatively short-lived Roman Republic. So Publius shall be the name! Very cool. Publius was already everywhere on the web, so not an option. What about Valerius? Ah, yes. Valerius. And so you have it, Valerius Consulting.
Abridged version: It's the middle name of an old roman dude.
Abridged version: It's the middle name of an old roman dude.